Tuesday, March 15, 2011

♫ Whoooa! We're Halfway There! ♫

I can't believe it! We're approximately halfway through the semester. On one hand, I feel like I just got here. On the other hand, I feel like Florence is all I've known. It's a weird feeling, really but I'm doing all that I can to keep it in perspective.

I was chatting with one of my program directors the other day and she pointed out to me how big of an accomplishment this is for all of us. I never thought of studying abroad as an accomplishment but, apparently, not everyone finds living in a foreign country so easy. If I didn't know any Italian, I might be singing a different tune. I was really proud of myself the other day. I've been sick for two weeks and I was able to communicate all of my symptoms to a pharmacist that didn't speak a word of English. I love little victories like that!

It's so easy to grow accustomed to living here. Despite the fact that it's SO different from the US, living here doesn't feel any different than life at home. I'm just living. Every now and then, I take a second to realize where I am and what exactly I'm doing. If I didn't slow down to do that, the entire adventure would pass me by and I would have taken it completely for granted.

There was a moment as my friends and I were walking back to our hotel from the Vatican State. It was sunset and St. Peter's Basilica was directly behind us. I turned around and I said, "Guys, I think we should just take a moment to realize how frickin' cool it is that we're right here, right now. We're in Rome, Italy!" That's been one of my favorite moments from this semester. I'll never forget it.

And the second half of this semester will be even more slam packed full of new adventures. I'm totally stoked!

What's more, only 4 midterms separate me from Spring Break! I'm taking a 10 day road trip around Europe. Prague, Berlin, Amsterdam, and Paris! I just hope they're ready for me.

Arrivederci, Amori!

Current Music: Sound of Silence by Simon and Garfunkel


  1. It's crazy just how fast time flies! Glad that you have been making the most out of your Italy experience and I'm glad that you've been sharing it with us! I <3 youuuuuuu! Can't wait to see you this summer :D

  2. Hey Brittany! First, I hope you're feeling better! And it's amazing how a once-exotic place can start to become familiar, so I'm glad you're keeping it in perspective.

    I love that moment you had at the basilica - You ARE in Italy! I know so many people who would switch places with you in a heartbeat...you're having the experience of a lifetime! Relish every moment of it.

    I'm so happy for you - honestly, I smile when I think of you over there having mini-adventures every day in between classes. Haha!

    Good luck with your midterms, and have a magnificent spring break! Enjoy a croissant from a sidewalk cafe for me in Paris :)

  3. Aw, thanks! I will be thinking of you every moment that I am in Paris. I keep telling my friends about you, the fact that you're a French major, and how I wish you were here to enjoy Paris with me.

    And, frankly, it's those little adventures between classes and such that I cherish the most. I had a conversation (all in Italian) with an older french man at the grocery store. He was in Italy visiting relatives and he told me he couldn't believe I was single. Haha. I can! It was the cutest thing!

    Anyway, I hope you're doing well! I noticed you deactivated your FB (?) so shoot me an email sometime and let me know what's going on in your life! Love you!
